Reaching Different Audiences

Traven Page
2 min readApr 29, 2021

Social media has opened the door to a really weird time. We can all be connected to different things without anyone knowing. That was harder back in my early days.

Now, I can search and connect to any group I want.

That means, my interests are abundant. I’m currently following fitness, guitar, meme accounts, camera gear, emo music, and so many other things.

Audiences are just growing out of control and aren’t going to stop. That means, the diversity of each subject is continually changing. I’ve seen Gen Z listening to Jazz and Funk. I’ve also seen 80 year-old women shake their ass to Cardi B on TikTok.

It’s a crazy world out there and many opportunities to diversify your content to reach each generation.

Here is some advice on how to interact with those groups.

Do the Research

In marketing, it can be advantageous to open to new audiences. You want to be able to connect with the right people in the right way.

A perfect example of this would be Purple (the mattress company).

Everyone sleeps, but we’re not all the same. We all have different needs and even different sleep patterns. How do you connect with the health guru sleeping 10 hours a night while still producing content for the insomniac that needs a new mattress?

A difficult task.

First thing you have to do is research.

I’m sure you’re thinking, “well, no duh”, but hear me out.

You’d be surprised at how many companies operate under strong assumptions due to the fact they know someone in that demo. It’s really easy to be caught in that trap and go down the wrong path for the sake of moving quickly.

Take your time to do it.

I recommend going the following routes:

  • Subreddits — Go through the rules and see what people like and find annoying. Really easy way to find the right tone as well.
  • Social listening sites and free resources — They are abundant. Give them your email and you’ll have a wealth of information to dive into. This is also a great way to figure out what platform needs which tone.
  • Friends — You might already know someone in this area. Take them to lunch and ask them some questions. Who are they following for this subject? Why are they following them? Have they bought anything from them? Why did they buy?

That is the quick and dirty way to tap into another audience. Your targeting will be better and you can gear content that connects with them.

Do the work and you’ll be surprised.



Traven Page

Husband and father. Guitar, fitness, and overall life is what I care about. Hell bent on the exploration of what I can do with the remainder of my life.